
union|haze con­tin­ues a se­ries of work, which poses ques­tions about the sit­u­ated and ma­te­r­ial as­sem­blages that con­sti­tute the per­for­mance. It at­tempts to place a sit­u­a­tion of se­vere ma­te­r­ial con­tin­gency — one which brings the agency of all par­tic­i­pants, in­clud­ing the non-hu­man, to the fore — within lay­ers of a par­tic­u­late fog.

union|haze em­beds a dif­fracted hy­brid of union–seam and local bond, and was writ­ten for en­sem­ble recherche’s res­i­dency at Har­vard Uni­ver­sity.

en­sem­ble mo­saik per­form union|haze and pieces by Kel­ley Shee­han & Kai Jo­hannes Polzhofer.